USPATH Communications
News & Announcements
February 13, 2024
President’s Newsletter
I hope you are weathering this winter with the warmth of those who support you and your work. . .
September 14, 2023
President’s Newsletter
I write you as we enter autumn, that indescribable “fall air” has begun to waft . . .
September 17, 2022
President’s Newsletter
I am pleased to announce awardees for the Inaugural USPATH President’s Discretionary Fund Equity Stipend . . .
August 26, 2022
President’s Newsletter
I would like to announce a very special effort we are taking to increase equity and representation of people of color at the 2022 Conference, in USPATH, and in the field of transgender health.. . .
May 4, 2022
President’s Newsletter
. . . USPATH recently released a detailed Position Statement including line-by-line scientific rebuttals to the harmful and disappointing policy from the Florida Department of Health, which builds upon harmful actions in Texas and Arkansas. . .
March 31, 2022
President’s Newsletter
USPATH letter regarding International Transgender Day Of Visibility. I write you today on this International Transgender Day Of Visibility. A day where trans, non-binary, and gender expansive people, including myself, celebrate our identities, accomplishments, and achievements, while at the same time highlighting the struggles and discrimination we face in our daily lives. . . .
January 21, 2022
President’s Newsletter
USPATH letter regarding first month of 2022. . .I am thinking about the intersection between possibility and uncertainty. At a societal level, we’re in yet the next round of covid whiplash, as the omicron variant runs wild in our communities and schools . . .