Unity in Diversity: Global Perspectives on Transgender Families and Care
Date & Time
Live Session: Friday, May 30, 2025 – 10:00am – 2:00pm Eastern Time (GMT-5)
What to Expect:
The WPATH GEI Online Intersectionality & Diversity Workshop – Unity in Diversity: Global Perspectives on Transgender Families and Care is intended for all medical and mental health professionals who work with TGD and gender-diverse individuals and their families/loved ones. We have invited trainers from different disciplines across the globe to present and share their clinical experiences in working with different transgender and genderdiverse minority groups.
The workshop will include various topics about working with transgender individuals and their loved ones with different intersectionality and diverse backgrounds and issues. The main goal is to provide current clinical evidence-based practices and information on ways to work with these minority groups by learning about our own biases, identifying their unique and extra stressors, and developing clinical skills.
WPATH GEI Online Workshop Unity in Diversity: Global Perspectives on Transgender Families and Care Live Session: Friday, May 30, 2025 – 10:00am – 2:00pm Eastern Time (GMT-5) Live Session Agenda Evett Key, LCSW (Moderator); Barbara Findlay, Pier-Maude Lanteigne, MD; Amrita Sarkar, |
10:00am – 10:30am |
Title TBD Amrita Sarkar, PhD |
10:30am – 10:50am |
Intersectionality: Treatment Interventions and Considerations Evett Key, LCSW |
10:50am – 11:10am |
European Challenges for Families with TGD Children/Family Members Through the Intersectionality Lense Iva Zegura, MA |
11:10am – 11:30am |
Title TBD Pier-Maude Lanteigne, MD |
11:30am – 11:40am | Break |
11:40am – 12:10pm |
Building Blocks of Diversity: The Indian Family Unit Air Cmde Sanjay Sharma, MBBS |
12:10pm – 13:30am |
Five Alarm Fire – There Go Our Equality Rights! Barbara Findlay |
12:30pm – 12:50pm |
A Pediatric Provider Perspective: Working with Families from Diverse Cultural Backgrounds Caroline Silva & BCCH Team |
12:50pm – 2:00pm |
Q&A Panel All Faculty |
Attendees must be available to attend the live session “in-person” via Zoom on Friday, May 30, 2025: 10:00am – 2:00pm ET to complete the WPATH GEI Online Unity in Diversity Workshop. The live workshop does not include pre-recordings and will not be recorded.
CME Update
Great news for our European online attendees regarding CME’s!
The American Medical Association has determined that physicians not licensed in the US who participate in this CME activity are eligible for AMA PRA Category 1 Credits™.
ACCME / AMA PRA Category 1 Credits carry reciprocity with EACCME member countries and most international licensing bodies for physicians, with some exceptions. Physicians should check with their country/board for eligibility.
The UEMS-EACCME and the AMA has a signed agreement of mutual recognition of CME credits between Europe and USA for live and e-learning activities. A list of active agreements can be found here https://eaccme.uems.eu/Agreements.aspx.
The EACCME® has signed agreements with the following countries: Austria, Armenia, Belgium, Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus, Finland, Georgia, Greece, Hungary, Ireland, Regione Lombardia, Luxembourg, Malta, Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, Tunisia, Turkey, United Kingdom.