Standards of Care Version 8

SOC8 publication is complete. Please follow the link below to view the document.
As new translations become available, we will add to this page. Currently listed are: Bosnian, Czech, Croatian, French, Georgian, Italian, Korean, Mandarin, Montenegrin, Norwegian, Portuguese, Spanish, Thai, and Ukrainian.

History and Purpose
The field of transgender healthcare is a rapidly evolving interdisciplinary field. The last few years have seen a globally unprecedented increase and visibility of transgender and gender diverse people seeking support . . .

Establishing the SOC8 Revision Committee
The Standards of Care 8 revision started by identifying a multidisciplinary team of clinicians, researchers and stakeholders using a clearly defined process. The following steps were followed to select

Methodology for the Development of SOC8
Following the publication of the SOC8, in the future, unless there is a major need to adapt the entire document, small adaptations/addendums can take place, if/when new data is available that will affect specific recommendations . . .